When Christians fight and quarrel they show that they’ve embraced the world and its ways of dealing with conflict. God’s wisdom is vastly different than the world’s. Are you able to spot the difference, and then act upon that?
As we wrap up another week of VBS. We are going to use the points of the week to extract what Jesus can do for us. That is if we will allow Him to be the engineer of our lives.
James tells us that “no one can tame the tongue.” So, what do we do about it? How can we recognize when we’ve misused our tongue and spoken curses that bring shame to Christ?
In continuing our series “counterfeit doctrine” this Sunday we are going to talk about taking our masks off and being real with people. Contrary to popular belief, image is not everything.
The Bible is God’s way to show us how He see us, what He see in us. If we are to look into a mirror and forget who we are or what we look like, that is foolish.
There’s only one thing that heal those broken homes and fix what has been damaged by the abuse, neglect and selfishness that family members often inflict on each other. What is that?
Confession is a key part of our prayer life. But what is it about confession that improves our prayer life, and how can we learn to confess our sins so that we can renew our spirit?
Why did John focus on Mary Magdalene’s viist to the tomb in his gospel? What was there about what she saw and what she believed that made her story so important to his story?
The Old Testament said that there were many signs that pointed to the birth of Jesus. The book of Matthew in the New Testament picked up on this as well. But why are these signs so important to us?