How can, we be sure? With all the different religions in the world, all the different ways of interpreting the Bible, how can we be sure that we have the right way?
Read MoreTag: Sunday Service
The power of Grace
The song Amazing Grace is so powerful that even pagans will tear up when they hear it. What is the message of this song that can speak to the hearts of people who don’t know what it is that Jesus did?
Read MoreIt is well with my soul
In Hebrews 11, God introduces us to heroes of the faith. He also talks about those who suffered, struggled, and even died for their faith. Why would God tell us about those who didn’t fare so well?
Read MoreWhat is our sacrifice today?
In the Old Testament God had the Israelites offer sacrifices. A lot of sacrifices. What does that mean for us today? Are we still supposed to be offering sacrifices to God?
Read MoreThe law that Moses brought.
The law that Moses brought to the people of Isreal. Was it good or bad? What purpose does this law serve for us today?
Read MoreFrom old to new
The Bible is called the “living Word of God.” The more we study the Bible we begin to learn how much God cares for us. We see the intricacy of the scriptures, and can see how things were and how they are now. What can we learn from the way things were and how they […]
Read MoreCan you save yourself?
Peter spoke a powerful sermon to the crowd at Pentecost. In our Bibles today one of the phrases Peter said is translated as “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” Is that translated accurately? Can we actually save ourselves?
Read MoreWho do you belong to?
Do you know who you belong to? Do you know what the name “Christian” means in your life? What does it mean to be a “Christian?”
Read MoreYou are treasured!
As we close a great week of VBS, and a program that is clearly geared for the youth. What is it that the rest of us can get from this? How is God talking to us? What is it that God wants us to know about Him?
Read MoreWhat is the importance of Christian Fellowship?
In Acts 2:42, fellowship was named as the 2nd thing that the first church was devoted to doing. Was this meant to be placed 2nd, and above the other things listed in this passage? Or is there more to this act of worship than we see on the surface?
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