What is the importance of God becoming a human? And why did He come as a baby?
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Jesus shows us where we are going
The most important thing in the lives of the Wisemen was finding Jesus. They went “looking” for Him until they found Him. Is Jesus the most important thing in your life, how do you know if you’ve been looking for Him?
Read MoreJesus’ birth brought hope
How did the birth of Jesus bring hope to the world?
Read MoreNo room for Jesus?
How was it possible that there was no room to be found for Mary and Joseph to stay in Bethlehem? You’d think someone would have taken pity on this pregnant woman that day. But no one did. Why not?
Read MoreI don’t have to do this alone.
What do I do with all this hurt that I have felt? Is there a positive to all this pain that I have had to overcome? This Sunday we are going to talk about how God uses this pain and hurt to bring us closer to Him, and how we can help others.
Read MoreHow are we to keep this “RECOVERY” going?
What steps can we take to help us moving towards recovery instead of a relapse?
Read MoreEvaluate all my relationships
There are times when we need to extend forgiveness to people, and there are times when we need to ask for forgiveness from others. The question is, how do we do this?
Read MoreVoluntarily submit to God
The next step in the road to RECOVERY is that we need to Voluntarily submit to any and all changes God wants to make in our lives.
Read MoreOpenly examine and confess my faults
Confession of sin is an absolute necessity to restore fellowship between God and His children. However, many confess their sins, but receive no forgiveness. This message reveals different types of confessions.
Read MoreConsciously choose to commit to Christ
The “C” in reCovery is for us to “Consciously choose to commit to Christ.” Not just in words but in deeds. To commit our lives to Christ, means committing all of our life and will to His care and control.
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